24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

For an example I know many women who go all “I cannot (fail to confirm to x beauty standard) even though I don’t want to do it because of society pressure, other people will say things and reject me, so I have to do it”, when in reality I have tried it and you can just not conform to beauty standard and it’s literally fine. I am sure there are invisible effects I don’t notice, but not a single person has ever commented on it directly to me, and I know these people I am speaking about are very similar to me and exist in the same environments as I do. But the idea of not shaving their legs is inconceivable.

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i’m aware she’s a weenie tho


why lilith so angy?

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It’s not even that they choose to conform to X beauty standard that’s the acid part. It’s that they have this perception of failing to meet some social standard as, just, like, anathema, an intense failure mode that they can’t even entertain doing. If you try conform failure and you don’t like it and you go back that’s fine. But it should be an object of, like, consideration in your mind

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people usually don’t like being mean so i wouldn’t say it’s a strong point

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being mean is great you should all try it



fuck you


that’d be mean though :(


Yeah like again I am sure there are invisible effects I do not directly see, but what I’m saying is that others expect people to be mean

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Like they go “oh I can’t do that because everybody would say mean things to me

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When they don’t actually do that.

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wouldn’t that be neuroticism

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what people think will happen to them after being mean


that is dumb but also understandable cause not everyone has the confidence so they think there are always judging eyes


I don’t know anything about the test and I’m not talking in the context of the test I’m just idly rambling on a vaguely related subject


Yeah I mean I understand it, I get why people do it, but I also think it’s an unpleasant way to be. Living your life to conform to not just the standards other people explicitly set out for you but your own mental model of these standards and not challenging that to yourself means you shut off a lot of options for yourself, y’know?


so good to be a guy i can go out unshaven in crocs and a dirty shirt and not give a shit since i don’t have to deal with ingrained ideas of beauty


i shaved my arms for the first time yesterday. I forgot goosebumps looked like that. Fucked up


it is what it is

just like men are told to be tough and manly women are told to always look presentable and be polite n shit


They’re incorrect about the cost of non-people-pleasing, to borrow wording from a post I saw. And it makes them go to greater lengths to please people (at expense to themselves) than is necessary. They’re too worried

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