24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

yeah thats the thing. i wasnt working with your engine. i was very intentionally working up
it was a creative exercise

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find me the correct solution for firing a 20 knot/ph torpedo at a ship moving 4knot/ph at a range of 4km

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to me the fun of game devving is like im given a box full of legos and i assemble them. i dont wanna craft the lego bricks myself from scratch. i wanna see what final product i can end up having by combining them

google can’t help me with the “ph” part whats ph? chat gpt also doesnt help it warned me coz it thinks im a terrorist asking for explosives. whats ph?

Per hour


per hour dumbass

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who says ph just say h haiyaaaah

ok let me see

i like coding

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i like structure and order. programming gives me a world uninterrupted by the chaos outside. it is controlled and i control it


I did programming for a year it was a pain in the ass i am not a masochist

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once i spent 3 days ripping my hair out trying to figure out why i couldn’t get mouse control in terminal to work to find out its an issue with old command prompt’s handling of win32api for some fucking reason. fixed in windows terminal tho


1 knot (kt) = 1.85200 kilometers per hour

so the torpedo moves 37.04 km/h

ship moves 7.408 km/h

its 4 km away

wym correct solution? correct solution for what?

if u fire the torpedo right now, if ur asking when it will reach the ship, and assuming the ship is running away from us, then-

uhh… maybe i substract the two?

torpedo speed - ship speed = 29.992 km/h

so like… soon it will do the 4 km. but the ship is running … and then like … achilles and the hare paradox where like. if i make it reach the ship - the ship run away

this is so complicated alephie why do u torture me like that :sob: :sob: :sob:


whats the answwer? :pleading_face:

hug me pls

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i like games for the artistic part. what they make people feel. i wanna make people feel good stuff

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Yhere is no correct answer consider the turtle and the hare. The turtle is ahead by the time the hare reachers the turtle it will be somewhere else. The answer is to stop fighting :)))))

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i hate typing tests because i can type faster than i can read so its impossible for me to do my max wpm on them beacuse i cant read more than like 130 wpm


How big is the ship we’re firing at?

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Wrong you had 200 euros in yoiur wallet


or at least read words in a specific order. I can look at a sentence and know what it means (thanks psychology) but reading words in the exact order is too hard

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