24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

the only button my left pinky ever touches is left shift. very untrained compared to yours

dont tell me

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you donā€™t use your thumb for ctrl right

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I wasnā€™t formally taught to type I just learned to do it on my own so my hands donā€™t, like, rest in any given specific position, I donā€™t have specific fingers I press each key with, thereā€™s just some real-time whatever math going on in my brain that Iā€™m not aware of that decides what key to press with what finger

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i found a new method

left ring finger on A. and my hand was tilted sideways. also left thumb on spacebar as normal

i was formally taught how to type and didnt use it because it was slower

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why would i wtf

left pinky for control. oh i guess i use it for that too

ive heard some people bend their left thumb inwards to reach ctrl

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Consistently get 145-150 raw for the first five seconds and then fail why is that

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I was also technically formally taught to type but by then I already knew how to type so I just ignored it all


PC access should be a privilege given out conservatively

i do think your existence in this is community is a good thing though

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Less time for brain and hands to get desynced. I probably score better than you because Iā€™ve done more typing tests. I mean not a ton but I have like an hour total in monkeytype from over hte years


waaaaaaaa :confounded:

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i type between 70 and 100 wpm because i wasnt good at physical therapy apparently

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I dmā€™d a friend ā€œIā€™m a girlā€ and wanted to die from cringe.

Anyways, what the fuck are yā€™all talking about

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i think people who grew up as PC gamers all use left thumb for spacebar. ur right hand is busy moving the mouse

i cant IMAGINE right thumb for spacebar

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typing speeds and wpm

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may said she does that :sob: