24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

me when some guy in a mafia game says he because the pronouns aren’t listed:



I kind of don’t understand what you’re saying this is kind of the opposite of how it works for me? If somebody is not straightforward they are more likely to lie to me about various things e.g. being my friend

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i mean yea but that’s the logic part. the part of my brain that overthinks it is NOT the logical part of my brain.

I know overthinking is illogical but I’m saying this feels like the opposite of how I’d overthink it

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das fair

i messed up my hand because i used the wrong ladle to pour something and its a repeated motion on the wrong part of metal


One time i didnt list my pronouns in a forum and the host dmd me asking me about them because she wanted to put them in the OP which was sweet. Also a bit uncomofrtable coz like, why u gotta put me on the spot like that, thats why i listed none, so i dont have to think about it, and i felt guilty/bad at the thought of asking for my own special no pronouns, but i didn’t have the heart to tell her that so i just went along

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Amateur nouns

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More clearly: it is the opposite of how I overthink it, I trust people who are mean more htan people who are nice because people tend to only lie in the “more nice” direction


“other fandoms have turned to AI to get their animations voice acted.
TF2 just got the actual original guys to do it. They are too powerful”

-some guy in a youtube comments section


i mean online assuming he is a statistically safe guess


Yeah but most people are consistent in whether they do or do not assume he, and not everyone here does it. I’m referencing a game where Silviu he’d Atlas in a modpost and then Atlas was able to narrow down who the modposter was because of it

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Thats hilarious

(Also it depends on the exact online spaces you’re in - every place I grew up in, assuming she was a statistically safe guess. I usually theythem or just avoid pronouns altogether for unknown people but my habit is to she people tbh)


Less so now, because I’m not in these super super overwhelmingly female spaces anymore, but when I was a kid, like. Men were some kind of mythical species

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My habit is he due to the spaces i grew up. The spaces im in now its statistically more likely she

one day i woke up and just started calling everyone they
try not to if theres a listed one but if there aint


Like the majority gender of people online depends on what your interests were, which due to Society depends on what your gender was. My friends in school were Girls because if you’re a Girl you talk to the other Girls and they liked Girly Stuff so they introduced me to Girly Stuff so I joined online communities for Girly Stuff so I met all Girls online. And so for me the internet was never overwhelmingly male