24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Im down for anything but i dont have the luxury to buy stuff online rn (youre talking about tabletop simulator right?) (western games are a lot of money when converted to my currency). Hopefully sooner rather than later im good financially to spend willy-willy heheh :blush:

Id play anything with you but if its f2p :P


So mean :sob:

when my card gets in the mail im
buying the foundry TT sets so all you woukd have to do is go to a thing i set up for free


Oh okay, im down then! :blush:

do you know the premise of T:2000


I googled and i read a few lines it says roleplaying game post-apocalyptic. I dont know anything else and im unfamiliar with rpg games and tabletop games except one scuffed pathfinder campaign

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dw i don’t know the system the est either so we’ll all be learning tigether


Awwww yesssss :blush:

I have a new friend? Ishmael = friend? Aaaaaa :sob:ugaaaaaa… New friend … Friend … For me …

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fun fact one of my old users was Ami, shortened from Amici, translating roughly to ‘of the friend’ if i remember my latin correctly


Tutuu Ishmael friends

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One of my old discord passwords was “friendsmatter1997” or something like that. And i typed it manually to log in. I felt good when typing it and logging into discord to talk with my fwiends

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all i said is what you said

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Yeah to make fun of it :confounded:

anyways we could probably wave 5 dollars in front of tutuu and bark like a dog for it. you could also wave zero dollars in front of tutuu and hed bark like a dog but you get the point

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I shared a vocaroo of me barking like a dog in cookie thread once

And yes id 100% bark for 5 dollars. A few years ago 5 dollars was half of my daily wage. Its still a significant amount of money for me

How much can five dollars get you

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You can prob spend ten minutes begging for a five in a Walmart and get it in four

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Nowadays it can get me like … 6 loaves of bread

Walmart is an american supermarket

And nobody gives that much money to beggars here