24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

take this as a sign for everybody ITT. unionize

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So I guess the conclusion is you can be making bankā€¦oh, let me also tell you the holiday policy

proud wobbly personally

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If you work a full week on a holiday week, you get an extra eight hours of overtime in addition to whatever you earned that week

there is power in a band of working folk
when we stand
hand in hand

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so basically you can make bank at this Kroger

But only at stocking at and night, I imagine they care much more about day time workers overtime

They are already losing way less money than they would normally have by having a full crew so they donā€™t care about the hours h you work

Thereā€™s a great QBCord joke Iā€™d drop here, but I do not think it works nearly as well without context.

send it

imagine how many loafs of bread tutuu could buy if we didnā€™t pay union feed

Given Littenā€™s income, how many sugar babies could he afford?

i believe 12 exactly

approx 1

holiday week?

Itā€™s generous, if I get more than 2 days in a row.



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Case analysis moment.

fuck cookie got got


Kroger contract stipulates full time employees must be given a certain amount of hours

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Will analyze after class.