24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

howdy partner

Clint Eastwood Hat Tip

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sleep generally helps

consider it

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snort some lines to help you stay up. ask @lilith and @Daeron for more advice

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I am a lonewolf, sorry pal

wolf (1)

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Yeah I will probably try sleeping 3-4 hours, but I have so much work to do.


I am a wolf. I am an alpha.

I am a rare breed. I live alone in the dark and I persist against all odds. I am above others. Humanoid men are afraid of me. Their genes subconsciously tell them that they are no match for me.

Humanoid females avoid me. I intimidate them. But one day they will realize their mistake in not choosing me. They will realize that they could’ve created a pack with a Wolf, but all they did was to play around with puppies instead.

But then they will be old and it will be too late.

Society shuns me. I am a threat to them, because I am a rebel. I only howl at them in response and laugh. I embrace the solitute and the solitude embraces me. I don’t need others, because all I need is myself.

On a full moon, I patrol around my lands. My river is philosophy, my mountain is solitude, and my forests are peace.

Which is all I need to survive. Do not make a mistake and foolishly trespass on my territory. It might come back to bite you.

I am a Wolf. I am an Alpha.

Fear me.

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Dont remember this part of baba is you




Yea you can’t really beat Baba’s flagship presidental policy, ECONOMY IS GOOD



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removed from the long hair council


this is me

my hair is so long that I cant do anything without hair EVERYWHERE

I also find my hair all over my apartment, god

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watashi wa suta suta suta suta

green olives are great

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tutuu open claiming wolf might be jester


Zug was wolf but became cat… much thinking about


and a lone wolf claim too evils used to be deceptive

I mean, I have claimed lost wolf every time I was lost wolf in a game.

My only role to appear in an MU anni game was also “Benji the Lost Wolf” so it’s just in my nature

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I just tried to put my phone in my pocket but failed because I don’t have a pocket because I’m not wearing pants. It dropped on the floor

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