24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

I’m very situationally unaware and also have a hard time processing instructions instantly

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is there a reason you are unable to work during the day or is it personal stuff


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or it just because lower workload or sth

fair enough then

i forget people go to school

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I didn’t think it was a disability until I started working here

it will become automatic at some point you’ll get used to it

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might take a bit longer than most people but that’s fine


I’m sad. I hope people don’t mind me sharing this because it’s dumb and I’m the only one who it affects, but I wanted to write about it.

I knew I’ve been going bald for years, and I knew because of my family that I would likely lose all my awesome hair like my uncles and grandfather. I remember telling myself that I won’t let it bother me and I will just accept whatever, since it would be a dumb thing to be upset about. Although a lot of changed as I transitioned, I took my look very seriously and my hair had become something I loved. I spent years letting it grow out, changing the way I styled it, the things I used in it, and I enjoyed seeing it/me in the mirror.

Well, it’s gotten to the point where now it’s so thin and receding that I no longer really feel joy looking in the mirror. I decided that I’m likely cutting it off soon, and the thought depresses me. My best friend told me that I would look awesome with different wigs and we could try on wild hairstyles and have a ton of fun, but there’s a strong negative I feel because its not my hair anymore.

Long story short, fuck testosterone. Let trans people have access to the healthcare they need. Also don’t be a pussy about hormone treatment like i was


Really sorry for that and good luck on transitioning!

About the looks, please don’t worry too much about them because you will feel into a thought black hole that you have to impress other people or otherwise they will treat you weirdly because of it. If anyone asks you, you can say that you’re going through a medical procedure. If anyone’s being critical, then that’s on them, not on you.

And a psychology trick that I wish to tell you about is that, start questioning yourself as to why it exactly is making you sad and upset. Remember, emotions are there to tell something about yourself and so are thoughts, if you reflect on them (and be sure to deattach yourself from them, you are not your feelings and neither are you your thoughts, observe them).

We will be here rooting for you

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Sorry May I didn’t mean to almost trip you on your way downstairs

Finasteride is a mild antiandrogen that has a good chance of halting things where they are now. Even if you cut it all off, it’ll still prevent the pores from shrinking further. You can mail order it with Keeps (content creators are sponsored by this service periodically and they’re literally just selling finasteride OTC), or go to any dermatologist. Hell, a GP will probably give you a script for it.

If/when you do go on HRT, you’ll see some reversal in the loss. Finasteride might reverse things a little, but my understanding is it’s more pronounced on estrogen. It’s unlikely to totally reverse things in either case, but if you still have some hair then there’s a decent chance you’ll see not insignificant results from just these things as long as you don’t let it get much worse now.

Reversing the tide further than what finasteride and then HRT can do is more complicated (and often expensive or painful or both). Minoxidil (generic name of Rogaine) is available OTC, and IIRC you could get like a month’s supply for $5 or something. It’s a topical vasodilator which can stimulate growth on the scalp, and that can also help (in combination with the suppression of T with finasteride, another antiandrogen, estrogen, or combination therein). Failing that, it would mostly just be dermatologist time. If you have an HRT provider, you can probably ask them for their recs and they can probably point you to a specialist in the area, but that sort of venture is likely cost prohibitive without insurance (and may not be cheap with insurance depending on the plan because it’s going to be considered cosmetic). There’s also microneedling (often used in conjunction with HRT) that can be done at home for relatively cheaply, but it’s painful. Microneedling, as the name implies, involves a cluster of thin needles going into the skin of the scalp at shallow depths in order the widen follicles. The minoxidil is then used to increase bloodflow and stimulate regrowth. However, microneedling itself is unpleasant and minoxidil can be painful just on normal skin so on what’s essentially a large number of tiny cuts can magnify whatever pain you normally feel. Again, the advantage here is just that it’s somewhat accessible and hard to fuck up if you’re being responsible about it, but it is a bit of torturing yourself.

And a disclaimer that I am not a medical professional, and everything I’ve said is safest to go through a doctor for. I’m just trying account for the material reality of healthcare in the United States which is going through doctors is frequently cost prohibitive. Do your own research, and make sure you fully understand side effects of everything before jumping in head first, and follow instructions on packaging etc.


Love you gray


joe biden’s america


wait are you sure
every time I hear about something like this it turns out to be literally just a scam
Or someone selling literal poison over Amazon and packaging it as estrogen for some reason

The Woker

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im the woker baby

I have seen Keeps sponsor a few creators a few times and it’s just finasteride so I doubt they’d ship bullshit and blow up their business but maybe. I wasn’t trying to endorse Keeps as much as illustrate that finasteride is safe and generally pretty easy to acquire.

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Who is John Dungeon

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