24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

Honestly, that might be it on its own, independent of FoL.
Will need to diagnose it for future.

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yeah thatā€™d prob do it

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go phillies!!!

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world champion basball!!!

Iā€™ve had the same thought so there might be something to it lol. Not sure if itā€™s a FoL specific thing or just likeā€¦ I have my screen on more when Iā€™m on FoL without realizing it.


theyā€™re not in it anymore

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btw streaming mets-dodgers if anybody is interested


theyā€™re in my heart

so glad this is on FS1 god tbs is so shit

chomps do you endorse tragedies

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theyā€™re what empower nick castellanos

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Discourse also uses a lot of data shit too so

For me discord is the biggest user of battery I think but I also only have discord and fol open 95% of the time so itā€™s not that bad

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I think this is out of ā€œlast time you chargedā€ but yea

Yeah thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m saying though. All roads lead to Rome, but not all roads are necessarily equally good for a given individual. Spironolactoneā€™s acts like a diuretic and affects how well your body absorbs sodium which means youā€™ll likely need to pee more often and youā€™ll need to up your sodium intake some to compensate (pickles are a bit of a meme because theyā€™re high in sodium and girls start craving them once theyā€™re on HRT without consciously realizing their bodies just need sodium).

And also some people are going to be downright evangelical about certain regimes and drugs etc. Progesterone is a good example of a drug that has a lot of positive anecdotes, but the current empirical evidence (last I checked) doesnā€™t support the notion that it does really much at all. Thereā€™s a whole cadre of people who think Dr. Powersā€™ (a random GP in Michigan) method is the best, and, while his method isnā€™t bad, he makes a bunch of unsubstantiated claims about it its efficacy, and Iā€™m not sure he really came up with any of it. Thereā€™s an entire article on the site I link about Dr. Powers and his claims because the operator of the site beefed with him funnily enough, but anyway.

Something Iā€™ve seen discussed more recently (but couldnā€™t find any studies on regarding transfemmine HRT) was the role that sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) may play. Short version is SHBG affects how much of your total serum E & T is actually productive and binding to the receptors we want them to. What we donā€™t have a good grasp on (as far as I know) is if some dosages of sex hormones cause SHBG production to spike to problematic levels. Thereā€™s a study in pregnant women that looks at SHBG that found the percentage of free estrogen was always increasing as the serum level increased which is weak evidence supporting that notion that getting your levels of E to astronomic levels is unlikely to cause your free estrogen to decrease, but obviously itā€™s not a 1-to-1 comparison. Anecdotally, a friend of mine couldnā€™t get E for a month, and when she finally got back on she went up like half a cup size or something after months of it being stable when she was taking it steadily. She had also had an issue where she had been taking way more E than her doctor intended due to a miscommunication for a period of time. SHBG could explain what was going on there to some extent, and maybe there are more effective ways to take E to maximize free estrogen.

Thatā€™s just like one particular bugbear Iā€™ve been keeping an eye on. Thereā€™s so much bullshit and conflicting opinions (professional or otherwise) surrounding antiandrogens and what the best way to take E is. Like I just switched clinicians at my provider, and he mentioned he uses a method developed by a clinic in Philly that pays attention to SHBG and the first blood test he ordered was the first blood test Iā€™ve had in 4 years that actually measured SHBG. We gotta keep ourselves educated and involved in our own care.


90% sure heā€™s in dallas?

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looking it up heā€™s def not idunno where i got that from

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Nah, heā€™s literally in some small town on Michigan lol

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