24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

god i wish

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I dreamt i was in the hunger games with an ally. At the start we crafted weapons. He made a gigantic long wooden mace. I had a stick that had a mace at the end. Eventually i found a smaller mace and picked it up too. At some place i saw a woman with a gigantic axe and i ran away. She was friendly though. We met friendly peope. I saw a knight in shining armor who sparred with me friendlyly

If i could choose a weapon id choose a spear. Its the strongest melee weapon. Everyone used them


The night before this one I dreamed about a blonde woman. The night beofre that night I dreamed about a blonde woman. The night before that night same deal. They’re diverging though it’s not always the same one anymore but always there’s one


Used to always be the exact elementary school friend but now it’s just like indistinct spirits

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Bwahahaha :heart:

Its true! Polearms are the superior weapons! Less flashy than swords so much less media fantasy coverage. Even if u had a shield it doesnt matter u cant come near me. Samurai were all spearmen. Their katanas were rarely used, they were just a sidearm. A long knife, thats all

Poleaxes and polehammers were the best weapons but those were invented later on

The poleaxe is an axe, a hammer and a spear all at once. Lots of versatility

Swords were cool but not against armored opponents. U cant cut armor with a sword

i’m mildly annoyed that the sheer diversity of historical swords is not shown in media


you get




All roman soldiers carried slings too at least in the early period

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Advantage of sling compared to bow:

  • cheaper and faster to produce
  • free ammunition thats everywhere
  • lighter to carry and less cumbersome
  • longer range (in the early period; bows were bad)


  • takes much longer to learn how to be accurate. Inexperienced archer would still fire at roughly the target but an inexperienced slinger may be wildly off mark or not be able to lob the stone at all
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eye death beam >> sling


did you know hockey lines are a call back to Marius’s reforms of the legions

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I didnt

Ur such a roman nerdie :blush: i wanna squish ur cheeks

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i’ll bite your hand


Eeeeek! Am am am am am

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