24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

He has mentioned this before, iirc.


Multiple times

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Living in Georgia is actually really nice


We don’t have bad weather


Hurricanes tend to avoid anywhere I live which is another plus. No tornados. No wildfires. Occasional chemical disasters. Zell Niller stuff

Our abortion law seems restrictive) I think? I’m not actually well informed if six weeks is a lot or not as I’m not a woman so it doesn’t really concern me personally about looking into abortion stuff besides thinking they have a right to decide what they want to do

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Our courts have blocked the abortion law, once, it was reinstated; and then the same court that blocked it prior has blocked it again for a different reason, our courts are really funny

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From what I understand, six weeks is usually the point at which women find out that they’re pregnant.


Someone who actually knows something about this, please correct me.

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It was still a scandal. If you don’t believe, here’s a snippet from Justice Stevens’s dissenting opinion:

To stop the counting of legal votes, the majority today departs from three venerable rules of judicial restraint that have guided the Court throughout its history. On questions of state law, we have consistently respected the opinions of the highest courts of the States. On questions whose resolution is committed at least in large measure to another branch of the Federal Government, we have construed our own jurisdiction narrowly and exercised it cautiously. On federal constitutional questions that were not fairly presented to the court whose judgment is being reviewed, we have prudently declined to express an opinion. The majority has acted unwisely. … [A] stay should not be granted unless an applicant makes a substantial showing of a likelihood of irreparable harm. In this case, petitioners have failed to carry that heavy burden. Counting every legally cast vote cannot constitute irreparable harm. On the other hand, there is a danger that a stay may cause irreparable harm to respondents–and, more importantly, the public at large … . Preventing the recount from being completed will inevitably cast a cloud on the legitimacy of the election.

There was a slim conservative majority that voted 5-4 that had the de facto effect of making Bush the president of the United States. The court also intervened to prevent the recount from progressing further after Bush’s lead had shrunk to less than 400 votes. It was a pretty dark moment.

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I understand it was a scandal, I’m just saying that it’s probably never going to happen again, which is why I said it’s unusual for them to do anything. What I think Eliza was fearing was the courts overruling two or three states, when they would get absolutely raked over the coals for that.



6 weeks is usually 1 or 2 weeks after a person learns they’re pregnant at best. Not unusual for someone to not notice in that time.


From what I know, Gore would have won if they recounted fully, but with the proposed recount Bush would have still won. I’m unsure how the counting process was that inaccurate to begin with, sounds like incompetence from whoever organized the way they counted votes


Why do you think it’s never going to happen again? The court is like currently facing a crisis of legitimacy for a number of decisions they’ve made recently lol


The court relies on good will and if they did anything extremly out of place they would be pretty much ignored

i really dont think we should be discussing this for the past hour



really im more saying like.
donald trump WILL sue if he loses, this is obvious and i don’t think anyone present denies that
and the current court has shown a lot of obvious bias towards trump and radical conservative causes n shit. its normal for justices to lean one way or another but definitely not this hard
i mean for heaven’s sake they literally ruled that trump is ~basically immune to prosecution (with very limited exceptions)
so, despite the low chance that they would in actuality, the court is so corrupt rn that i really just wouldn’t be suprised if trump sued and then the court said “ok you win” and made up some really weak justification