24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

I am very much partially to closed rolemadness, but I am biased (QBCord runs almost exclusively closed rolemadness).


alot of tos-like semi opens back in the day used an amount of citizens too. Partially remedied claimspace issues associated with semi-opens

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Random Zone: A TIME BANK


Temporal Mafia Redux.

Sounds like one of my people. :smiley:

Time zones

For context, Temporal Mafia was the first game I wrote, with the idea being that several people had the ability to revert the game to a previous game state.
Several people died, and then, thanks to multiple people using their abilities, the game got reset to N1 multiple times, and all those people came back to life.


Are you sure you would like to host this


Banger game, though it did run into the problem that I had to lie to town about who the mafia was (people would flip whether or not they could control time, but only one such person was actually mafia).

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Ooh… I have a worse idea. Inspired by the Flash 2023 Movie: “You can’t change the future without changing the past.”

You only thought you brought everyone back to N1, when in reality, everyone but you has changed. Some things may be the same, but it is never possible for you to get the ending you desire by means of “time travel”.

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Back to the Future FM would go hard.

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Part of me really, really wants to make Dark Mafia, but creating deterministic timelines sounds like an actual pain to implement.

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Don’t worry… I shall make one in your stead! :crossed_swords:

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Wait. This means I can never let dead players to spec chat, and instead I’d have to entertain them in dead chat somehow.
…okay, never mind. I guess I’ll drop the timeline idea. Sorry Ash, it is indeed too much work to implement.

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quantum fm, where both roles and alignments are indeterminate until things happen and wavefunctions collapse. game only ends when there’s no possible universe remaining where a certain alignment can win
wait what do you MEAN botcu does this unironically for botc sometimes


4D Chess Mafia.


while we’re shittily adapting weirdly popular botcu game modes let’s do blind mafia. far too many games where players have been able to know their role/alignment. no more!


We’ve done this too!

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Yep. I still don’t know how the heck I won that game. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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