24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))


You could get heakthy by them

let’s be real no one has ever actually derived any benefit from running a marathon. not even physically

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It just in shape

what about feeling good from running

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in additional more positive news

wears off quickly in a marathon

the saban devil magic is gone from tuscaloosa

I think marathons could marginally benefit yoy and doesn’t count

basically the chronomancer is trapped in her pocket dimension and has no idea how much time has passed. spoiler alert: she’s going to see several different visions of events that are very related, but can theoretically be ordered chronologically. these visions are actually written like they’re the same event [or like, the same event at different times] with differences depending on certain major outcomes. for example, the first one is an execution by the Duke, possibly the same one in the prologue. i haven’t gotten the details for for the other two (maybe three? ideas are swirling in my head), but i think one of them will be a Prince jail from world where the Blue Dragon had never been overthrown, and one of them will be something like that but it’s from a world where the Unseen won, and then got reveng’d on by the blue dragon. (this one is the least formed idea i have, and i have a number of different ways i could do it that im only gonna explore once i actually have a solid idea of the epilogue and ending. (maybe one where the BD fail to establish a new kingdom and it takes place shortly after that, maybe one where the BD actually try to be good rulers, etc etc etc) (BD winning isn’t even guranteed in the main story keep in mind these are possible futures)

none of this is “canon” yet, not even the first one. Well, the first one is canon except for the vision. but i think i like the ideas here.

also for those well-read on their fol lore, the person being executed is the commoner from regal lions. regal lions is the game we got the new Duke and Doomsayer/Astrologer from. [regal lions probably won’t actually exist in this universe but like, that’s the reference.]

what was your original virtuous flavor story gonna be about, if u remember. or well, is? i guess? idk

The one answer debate chat has answered that meets the creteria imo is politicians


Or humans you know about but don’t interact with

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It focuses on the Blue Dragon Heroine.
It’s a bit hard to explain, but it’s focusing on her preparing for a big moment.

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Getting into arguments in debate chat which are not fun during the time of argument and which you do not “win” or look back in any satisfactory manner but which nonetheless you feel compelled to do


all of these visions are intentionally vague btw. mostly to allow me some freedom as i continue to Write :tm:, but also b/c i think it’ll be cool to see the chronomancer do things with the info with the vision, especially after she escapes her dimension and tries to figure out what the fuck is happening


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that works


may collect 200 and pass go

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A lot of interpersonal arguments/lashing out due to anger don’t actually feel good or cathartic and you don’t derive pleasure from it and it doesn’t benefit you in any way but you still do it