24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

i think youre wrong, and i have several athletes to back that claim up
the only solution now is for you to get to it. chop chop then!


People derive benefit from supporting politicians because it makes them feel politically engaged and people like feeling politically engaged. It makes them feel like they’re doing something about their political problems

I was going to propose a version of the Chronomancer that similarly sees the past in that way and can use people’s recollection of a moment to see the actual event, even if the original recollection was skewed.

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Destroying things because you’re angry and the things don’t make any kind of satisfying sensory output when you destroy them

This is a bad explanation, but I do want to play with the idea of a Chronomancer using a human conduit to access the past.

There’s gotta be one person that meets the criteria of people liking but not using to flex political stuff or acting like they solve anything but also actively harms them

i had a couple ideas that ive talked about in the virtuous design chat for bits and pieces that i can put in places
tbh i don’t like the fact that i’ve made a bit of a timeline with the duke and marshal stories; i kind of want it to be different pieces that aren’t “canon” in that they aren’t part of a timeline but are “canon” in that they illustrate the world and its characters. but idk

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yeye i like the idea

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The Virtuous Multiverse.

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no like

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Like, a random poll about “how often do you think or talk about x” “on a scale of 1-10 how much do you like blank (R/D)” and I think you can get some solid inverse answers here

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that’s got to be a pill idea actually

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do a study where you ask people for their
political leanings → whether they like obscure person x [list D/R next to their name] → how well they know them

then do another group where you switch the lash two

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how well you know them without their political party

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i don’t want to write these stories in a way that ends up with an official chronological order. you, the reader, can try but i don’t want to constrain myself to a timeline like that.

the world is supposed to be a lot more consistent, still sorta malleable but like.

this little bit in the Marshal story provides a link to other characters.
i don’t want to force myself to write a scene where the Archivist receives papers from the marshal because i bet i can do a lot more things with the Archivist
but the marshal and the archivist exist in the same world, and can theoretically interact with eachother

u get what im saying. its way less about “making a consistent canon” and more about “just let me write shit damnit”

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i like making the overall structure of the worlds and the characteristics of important pieces within it be consistent across stories.
i don’t like it when i feel forced to make the events that happen in the stories consistent across stories. idk tho

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I like consistency across stories, but I don’t intend to force a timeline into your Virtuous lore.

ye sorry im just rambling about how i was kinda forcing myself. not ur fault

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an analogy that is not entirely accurate, for more ways to describe what im trying to communicate here:

if you take any given game of virtuous at rand, and then “rand” it again, for the players it’ll basically be exactly the same as it was last time. the only thing that could possibly change is who has what, and as long as nobody knows anything about the previous versions, to the player it is effectively the same as if you hadn’t even done the first rand, even though the in-play roles and other things like that are exactly the same.
the differences start happening when day 1 begins.

similarly, i want to write a world that has consistent things about it, and consistent characters in it. but if i write a story, and then i write another story, as long as they aren’t explicitly connected as in “part 1 and part 2” then i want to be able to pretend that the other story never happened. or parts of it happened. or
you get the idea

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unrelated but i love the image of blasphemer being tortured and overwhelmed by the screams of the dead unseen who force them to do things like they’re a schizophrenic. occasionally they will summon enough energy to destroy one of the particularly nasty voices but more keep pouring in as more people die and they kind of just feel helpless about their own evil actions
if they got converted to Saint or something [proably not actually writing that sorry] then they would learn to master their own will and actions which is why they can just override the actions of the dead people. their powers don’t function if the dead don’t support it. but they are not only their powers. they feel like they are now actually their own person who can make their own decisions and it would be wonderful and also definitely not a metaphor ;)