24680th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7))

love da mets babyee


if anyone here fought me irl I would use my signature move, “cry”

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theres still an MMR system happening so ur not gonna be going up against the highest rank when ur the lowest or anything like that. my matches between regular and ranked have felt decently similar (people communicate more in ranked tho which is really nice)

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Tiger drop negates all damage.


FAM5, but it’s just one giant game of World’s Finest.


the call option incident


average neutral design


omg jester… hi…


i finished the magnus archives

mild full magnus archives spoilers

i’d probably rate the seasons 2>>3>>>1>>4>5

full spoilers for The Magnus Archives Season 5

i. didn’t really like this season. its the only one i can really say i definitely didnt too. the ending felt pretty cop-outy and a lot of things just didn’t make sense

like why did jonathan give the only means of stopping his plan to the people that wanted to stop his plan whilst he already made up his mind on doing his plan. why did jonathan then try to do his plan knowing that barisa would eventually be able to stop him within like the hour at most. why didn’t everyone realize that the web was very very very obviously manipulating them. its not even like it was a “we had to do this, even though its what the web wants” it was expecting that the web would somehow just… fail. whilst jon tries to manipulate his peers. HE KNOWS EVERYTHING

the whole walking through a doomed place was really boring too. it was like a worse version of season 1 and really wasn’t creepy when you hear the same shtick over and over whilst knowing exactly why it happened and how because you listened to season 1, with no protagonists.

any tension that anything could go wrong left when tim stoker died in season 3 119 and then again when jonah magnus did his thing in 160

spoilers for magnus archives season 5

and im pretty upset they didnt do anything related to jurgen leitner after the end of s3, given he was a very cool character with basically the same amount of plot leading up to him as gertrude robinson did

spoilers for magnus archives season 4

also Peter Lukas is boring.

spoilers for magnus archives s5

jonathan sims and martin blackwood getting into a relationship feels like fanservice more than something that actually makes sense. jonathan spent the first three seasons disliking him then wanted to save him from lukas and then they just got into a relationship. for some reason.

it feels like them going “we didnt cross out him being gay and we need a huge emotional attachment to martin for the finale to have an emotional impact”

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s5 magnus spoilers

like i like yaoi but there was zero romantical tension it just all happened offscreen in like 3 days when we’ve known these characters for like 3 years minimum and i cant justify that

I am worse at handling the soup than i remember

s5 magnus archives spoilers


why are you at soup



mild magnus archives spoilers

i dont regret watching the series even though the final seasons were a letdown. s2 and s3 were great and s1 was cool too

how does this affect face your fears stock