Ah. Don’t worry about that.
I got you covered in this aspect.
My mom was extremely jealpus of the shawl and spent forever looking for something similar but they had Nothing. There was only One
…well, maybe not in Names Redacted, but every other setup? No problem.
(Eh… I’d say story isn’t that relevant in Names Redacted either.)
btw may whats that in your ear? first i thought its a wireless earphone but you hate music
no wait you listen to death grips. maybe you dont hate music
this is just a constant across all mafia games (it’s only a problem when combined with the other issues)
It’s exactly what I did, and it was indeed very tiring (significantly due to my wolf alignment - but there have been towngames where I was exhausted as well).
In most games, I die before it ends, and then am out of the game, which makes that fine.
It’s impactful, sure, but it’s not to the point where it would feel good most of the time.
Restless spirits had:
Which is not nearly impactful enough IMO.
I’m listening to a video on how to play Smash
oh boo i missed the cookie
i wonder who got it

Which is not nearly impactful enough IMO.
…oh. No wonder people thought it sucks.
They didn’t know about the other roles with dead interaction. (Necromancer and Retributionist.)
always competitive~
just hit the buttons
i was solidly best in my friend group but terrible online tier in smash 4
i know a surprising amount of ultimate theory for someone who’s never played

…oh. No wonder people thought it sucks.
They didn’t know about the other roles with dead interaction. (Necromancer and Retributionist.)
people might not like neutrals either, though that’s likely less of an issue
I’m confident I can reveal this info because Restless Spirits won’t be run anymore. Forever.
well the question asks for life changing
20 years is really only life changing if im gonna die in 2 hours
Your life is your entire life dummy
pretty good against friends and really really bad against people online is just the story of any smash player