2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

fuck sake im going to get left out of meeting roster again aha

I sent you one last night and you ghosted me :sob:

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I have 2 left

I woke up opened my phone and replied hey on one post. Then I got ready for work and commuted and only saw ur request like 2 hours later lol

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/break. that was ammusing

/Meet Zug once he’s done talking to Daeron. @ElizaThePsycho @Zugzwang

We need to overthrow catbae at the very least


@Brakuren @Hippopablompoyeetus who wants to be leader


leafia i know what’s happening why do you think I said that at SoD

I’m a bit confused on the details but like those don’t really matter

who ever is leader. i wanna be sent over. i wanna say hi to kiiruma

i think i am more useful atm over there then over here

i want to be sent over

ewwww only two hostages tho

Sure. The leader can send any combination of You, Hippo, Brak, Me, Jane, or Zug over.

Actually, how about making me leader?

VOTE: Brakuren

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atm leafia. brak’s got more votes so a better push off. we just need a new leader here stat

VOTE: Brakuren