2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

It’ the first time I ever heard of this setup actually.

does anyone have information on bionic’s role or colour?


(me when i lie)

I love my foreign intelligence security service, the M16.

omg i literally thought that role was just a gun and i didnt question it

i mean we can find out if you want

MI6 makes way more sense

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@Zugzwang Hippo can be trusted.

im going to backread bionic’s meetings and votes

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maybe but I think I should save it for later if needed

that being said
in the 2nd half of the first sentence first post of the PM you made for our whisper, there’s important info
are you mechanically certain of this info? and if not what’s the source (if saying that doesn’t reveal too much)

Want to meet


nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I’m popular now :flushed:

i can only handle so many meeting rejections

no i still hate you and need to meet you behind the building after work.

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what you get for ghosting me

Yes I’m mechanically certain of the info and Hazard is the source.

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bionic has met pigeon once during the first room, posted 5 times in the second round and has not posted this round. fantastic.

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