2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]


@Bionic dont meet with zug btw


maybe you don’t lie during our meetings :)

most of it was true!

@Zugzwang hi!

Give me a reason

I imagine the last thing you told me was

/meet @Hippopablompoyeetus

we need to discuss how to usurp leadership

I know a lot that I could out :flushed:

(stuff that you would not want to happen)

Mutually assured destruction

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This is mutual tho

And you have apparently already started the destruction

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hazard I can press the button :flushed:

From what i heard you already have


Can’t sleep and sure. We can meet. /Meet Zug. @Zugzwang @ElizaThePsycho
