2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

I need a cohost who is familiar with the irl game and can process mostly hostages

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Next time I’ll probably set up a specific “round 5 ends at this hour” so that people have a reasonable expectation of if they can play within the time zones too


We do.

Correct. I card shared with him, so I should know.

Oh. I’m not that person sadly.


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Hippo on board finally?

If catbae doesnt answer ur meeting before swap session im sending u to other room to deny u u traitor

Send Me and Zug please.


Im sending hazard

Anyway, now for a nap. Sending Bionic is not a good idea. He might be a blue and even if he isn’t, sending anyone other than me and Zug just loses reds the game I think.

Reds need to be able to convert someone Hippo.

Anybody feel free to get converted to blue by catbae. You will have more chances to win. Nothing shameful in pursuing your victory condition. The point of the game is to try to win

Then they should stay red if they want to win.

I think we need to send two reds or we lose


I think I could use a nap right now so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

plz ask for feedback before committing to running the rolelist. this one would not have run if that was done


admittedly I did not read the rolelist when signing up, but-

me like money