2r1b - Round 3 - "Secure" Underground Bunker [Room 1]

sorry zug say no offence doesnt make it any less demoralising XD

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Yeah Red needs room control(and thus bomber/president control) otherwise they be fucked

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i understand that zug but saying “My way is the only way” is not correct and then saying red team is throwing for not following that way is a bit much.
understand there is multiple ways to go about this and saying all your plans out in the open when the ambassador can easily just report them is not the smartest idead


i am not saying the idea of sending you and leafia over is bad. but please just choose your words carefully


I see it coming off as harsh
which is my bad

but also I don’t see other ways for red to do this so /shrug

I would rather have not outed them publicly
however I didn’t have a choice there

i can tell you tomorrow.
but basically blue is not in as control as they think

yeah sorry accusing people for throwing is a harsh statement my man XD. we all have individual thoughts and its not like mafia where there is one set gameplan. others might have alternate plans and such

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there’s one way I can see that being true
but anyway sure you can tell me (or more likely just make it clear through your actions) tomorrow

this is just untrue lol

how so

Tomorrow will be an interesting day then no doubt

understandable if you also can’t explain for today tho

why would we send you lol

Yes. Tomorrow will be very interesting. Very interesting indeed.

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I’ve explained that already

If you don’t know why Zug and I are a better choice, then I can’t really help you. Oh yeah, now to use my last meeting. /Meet Brak. @ElizaThePsycho

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/meet Leafia

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damn I did nothing today