what does because of optics mean again im stupid
they think it would look bad (and they’re right )
oh ok
like wanting to appear better to the public. because the (EXTREMELY STERILE) furry club is a bad look to be associated with, but being part of a server where college students swap nudes isnt
triple his budget
to be fair that last part is absolutely unethical at best and hopefully illegal in some fashion tbh
i wanna collect cards
in my second uni the uni discord had fucking
unchristian words
a gore channel and a hentai channel. like actual gore from god knows where, not from fiction
game developers are the biggest goblins. they were insufferable
it’s not made by the center themselves, but multiple staff members are on it, and use it for announcements and stuff. Which, when people are actively posting nsfw, is actively terrible to be associated with.
naturally i trolled them coz what else would i do. i started organizing a flat earthers club, started looking for members. i was convincing and a lot of them fell for it and got really angry at me. one guy said “why dont u go to the edge of the earth and jump off and fck die”
we figured that out already
ive known you for at least a year
classic 22
one time i argued “hey guys, having a gore channel is maybe not the best idea. i dont want there to be such a channel. why is that a thing?” and a few arguments i received back were “if u dont like it just mute it lol” and " “i DoNt LiKe GaY pEoPlE sO i DoNt WaNna SeE gAy PeOpLe” " (his argument was that me being uncomfortable with it means im prude and therefore homophobic)
if you don’t like racism just ignore it bro it isn’t for you
would discord still collect data if data collection is turned off
are you a big dystopia fan