oh i could be wrong then? at least thats what ive heard. and i havent missed opening a basic pokemon yet
They might’ve changed it for the mobile app to streamline the process.
i mean yeah, how else will you play
Ok, yeah, they changed it from the physical version.
the app is different yeah its not tcg. the cards are reworked too its like a lite version. they have another app for the real tcg
thye only have a bench of 3 and theres only 3 points to win
the game is baby now
perfect for me
Oh, that’s boring.
can’t deck out? does the game just keep going
it doesnt say it here but he said at turn 15 i think the game automatically ends. i dont know how they decide winner, if by win points or draw or whatnot
50 turns and then game ends in draw
im enjoying it a lot. its a lot like marvel snap but i prefer this combat. i love everything about marvel snap except the combat. its so lame to just play cards to collect points. actually punching my opponent is so much more satisfying. if only they made marvel snap have a combat system like this
Hbd Silviu!
Hello cookie thread I’ve missed you. I am helping run a game on MU (that’s still ongoing don’t talk about it) that’s been occupying a lot of my time and attention
Love you willow
Love you gray, M.W.O.A.H
i assume the strategy is to build a big boy asap and just kill everything
simple enough