id offer you some of mine but im on that weak shit. ill get you some of my dads gimme a bit
oh he on that good good?
No, ori.
not quite that hospital grade youve been through enough level but the prescription equivalent for sure
les go
dawg i mean this genuinely opioids are a miracle from
god if we can get that shit properly regulated as a nation we’ll be so back
the same goes for SO many drugs. fucking give me my Adderall
sorry all we can give is standard issue narcan
i do actually keep narcan in my home
you’re just gonna have to roll the dice every time you buy heroin
heroin is genuinely an evil drug
nowadays it also has a small chance to just fucking kill you
on the bright* side fentanyl has never been so easy to obtain
that needs more asterisks holy shit
people always shit on beer but like the one time i had it it was kinda good. I think i got the bones to be an alcoholic
like actually it’s high-key insane how bad fentanyl has gotten
it’s genuinely one of the leading causes of death in America right now
at my uni you can get narcan for free, which is p cool
i do not believe the form formatting will allow any more tragically