There were multiple failures from a logistics standpoint, yes. There was a county where a ton of votes, more than Bush won by, where cast for third party Pat Buchanan, and the design of the ballot was such that it was very easy to accidentally vote Buchanan when you meant to vote Gore. Really, really terrible all around.
yea ok fair
We are currently talking about a fantasy country named the United States of America in a light novel and the politics of such country
Yes, that’s why I described it as a crisis.
i would also not be suprised if the democrats just gave in when the court said that but that’s an entirely unrelated thing
Any actual resemblance to real countries, names, or actual politics are purely conciedental
Reporting you for spam
giant wall of anime girls. ignored
anyways going to nerdcord to continue talking about politics (lmao)
Eula mains rise up (I don’t play Genshin anymore)
honestly good for me i’m not there or in the serious channel in breadcord. i can’t help but get wrapped up in those sorts of discussions and i really would rather be doing other things lol
yea ok that’s fair
i think we talk about town of salem design way more tbh
I forgot there’s a serious convo on breadbox
we absolutely do not have politics discussion nearly as often as game design discussion
Anyway I’m off to bomb the birds who stole my mouse from me cya nerds
it has not been used for the past 2 months. and before then it has not been used for 2 months. people post there about once every 2 months