Cookie Thread Act 3: The Cookie Strikes Back

Faced with a new site I would act exactly this way word for word. If you wiped my memories and put me back on FoL I would act exactly rhis way word for word


I’ve been the same basically this whole time

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on a scale of 1-10 how cancelled would you get if everything you ever said online was leaked?

idk the stats exactly but according to my manuscripts i was 6th in challenges completed recently. all that means is i played so, so much

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May I think I also got FoL-ed
My first game on here:


I would say pretty cancelled. Idk I was never racist atleast. I have that going for me


I’m the same personality-wise but I was a lot less familiar and comfortable so I presented a very different picture of myself


You arent racist yet
lets see what mid life crisis marshal has to offer

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well you cleared the bar of the average texan at least


didnt u mention u have a perma banned league account? or was that wrong, maybe u just said u’d get banned on fol if what u said on league was shown?

uhhh idr if my account is banned but I was really really toxic on league. This was also, like, age 12 lol. Same with minecraft. I absolutely let Other Video Game Players have it

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Oh also overusing :+1: is a scumtell of mine and I have to consciously suppress its overuse when I am a wolf. I usually use :+1: when I want to express that I am confident about a statement even though I don’t think I’m explaining in a convincing way, and this is a vibe I want to give off as scum ALL THE TIME. I’m super aware of the tell and edit the :+1:s out so it’s not useful on a surface level but it helps get my mindset


the one time ive been around someone playing league was when i was sitting in a vc playing among us with a bunch of people and also someone who wasnt playing and was playing league and then out of nowhere at some point they just yelled the r slur

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relatable. i have 2 permad league accounts. im chilling now, but back then i knew no chill

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Sometimes I like to make League of Legends jokes and then someone in the server I am in (specific server) will go “oh back when I met my wife on League of Legends”, or “oh back when I worked on League of Legends”, and then they will usually encourage the League of Legends joke

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But it still feels mildly awkward

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r word is my biggest internet argument vice. So hard ingrained in me. My mom says it so often and then I was fed 4chan Funny Greentexts Youtube Moments at like 11. It’s like a crack addiction. Some dumbass motherfucker is spouting some wildly incorrect take about basketball and way overhyping his .389 team and man every instinct tells me to just call him funny mean words.

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growing up is great coz u get better at staying calm. being a kid with no responsibilities is fun but it was filled with anxiety and emotions for me. i trade off peace and quiet and calmness and self-control over that any day

I’m simultaneously extremely anxious and not anxious at all

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