Cookie Thread Act 6: Cookie & Thread

our goalie was not bronze

yea lol

ok i gtg bye

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(read: will come back to playing omega strikers in like 30m)

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the setup was rigged
high silver mid silver bronze

to gold high silver high bronze

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Fortress of Lunacy. bottom text

i am now with a kai and the magician who are definitely not… challenger?

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i am getting carried

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i think if i pop off harder when im insane id make some banger setups

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the thing with me is it always comes back around to “can you really trust anyone

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the drekar left
we’re up 8

…we won
i didnt even do anything

shotgun lizard

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i have a tendency towards mafia-aligned games where the survivors win and it just happens that to survive your best bet is killing the other group of people

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no dont do that

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popcorn ronpa was its own thing entirely

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that is the entire plot of danganronpa

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