If you don’t go outside much, how do you expect to meet with women, who won’t look you down because of your body odor?
if it isnt bait im concerned
hey ybw silksong is out
Whenever they do release Silksong, they should do so in a way where anyone trying to tell their friends gets laughed off as making a Silksong joke.
hey. be positive. if.
anyway i don’t think someone would remember when they last showered if they rarely shower so
nah i disagree, i remember when i was like hella depressed id be like “oh my god, i havent showered in x days” and then that would then fuel more negative thoughts and then i would still not shower
Sometimes I get annoyed that my dog is at my door wanting in so then I have to go make the bed so he can sit on his spot and then I remember he’s an old man with arthritis who has got up from sleeping to come see me
Sigma grindset
not taking care of yourself isn’t a “sigma grindset”, silviu
How often do you shower, Atlas
once every other day. or every third day if i feel lazy
look i don’t go outside i’m not really concerned
Pat pat
I just realized now. (About three weeks later)
Why do you care if I am using a dating app or not?
It’s not like our likes would cross on any on those platforms, it’s not like I would steal any of your matches.
And you probably would not find me anywhere else outside the FM communities. (Obviously I wouldn’t use my forum name of this site on any dating app, if I would use any.)
Yeah tutuu don’t disturb people’s rizzing!
just asking
i only meet my daily fol quota when i think “tutuu is silly on cookie thread again” 5 times
Go wash yourself, tutuie
That’s a weird scale. What would you do, if tutuu would go away for a few weeks? (It’s not like it will happen.)