5212nd poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)





anyway tutuu u should stop thinking about an SO as a “thing to obtain” and more so think about it as a person youd care for and love unconditionally. ur not just gonna like "get"an SO, u dont go to the store and buy one, u find someone u like a lot and eventually that relationship blossoms into something bigger


and sometimes stuff doesnt work out and sometimes it does

and sometimes the person you end up with is a man and thats ok tutuu


I think tutuu said in the past that he’s joking with things like that, as actually he’s ace


bro no shot


or they don’t like you back…


i mean thats always possible but thats just life
i am less experienced in talking about that aspect however as ive only been in 1 relationship and Do Not Plan on being in more


I never bothered to ask myself about my feelings on how it would be for me to be in a relationship. I usually just woosh this concept as it’s risky for me.


Nuh uh!!!

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32:09 | Less logic, more luck. I couldn’t figure out the logic immediately, so I kind of brute-forced it and got it correct (at least, as far as I can see) on first try.

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Remind me, what is sandwich rule?

Number of numbers between 1 and 9, or?

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And what’s the difference between killer and little killer?
(I mean which is which?)

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Correct. A 35-sandwich means the 1 and 9 of a column or row are at the edges.

Killer is “numbers within dotted lines cannot repeat and sum up to the number on the top left”.
Little killer is “the number next to the arrow is sum of the (entire) diagonal line the arrow points to”.
(I’m fairly certain the slanted “<” sign at bottom left refers to a little killer clue.)
((Oh, definitely. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to finish it.))

Stuck at 65:50. I had mistakenly put a 9 on the bottom left clue instead of a 7…
Finished after +22:52. (I did a full reset. Hence the plus.)

First thoughts:

There is a 3-killer cage with # in it. Means rule from 1 to 4 has to be correct. (Otherwhise the killer rule would be wrong as well.)

Since a thermo (rule 4) start a # rule 9 can’t be wrogn either.

The sandwich rule in column 2 forces the 1 in r9c2 and 9 in r3c2 (there is no other way to put “6” outside the sandwich. (Top thermo is a 2-4)

Kropki in box 9 forces 4 in the row 8 into box 9.
Meaning r8c1 can’t be four. The # little killer clue can’t be 5 anymore, (otherwhise both killer and little killer has to be wrong) meaning rule 5 has to be correct

In my case I had a “if # = wrogn number” is wrong, then technically ‘#’ could be any number,
–which was something I’d rather not think about, so instead I just played assuming Rule 9 is correct.

I did notice the sandwich-thermo combo in column 2, but in my case I uh.
I kind of forgot killer was Rule 5, and just assumed it was correct from the get-go. XP

Similar reason r8c1 can’t be 5. (Otherwhise the little killer would be either correct, when it shouldn’t be, or would be false, when other rule should be wrong.)

[It’s not a big help though]