You are neither me NOR worse
silviu doesnt know
What is the DnD about thematically? Whatâs the overarching plot so far?
weâre playing Dungeon of the Mad Mage which is extremely similar to Dungeon Meshi
or you could call me gray which was the intent. not black or white => shades of gray
but green is also not black or white
I could join a DnD where the cast are comprised of dungeon bosses trying to escape from a laboratory and have to descend or ascend dungeons that are thematic to the location of the outside world and they get you more powerful and host information that might help the cast have a clue of what is going on.
Sadly I donât have enough privacy (ugh) so I couldnât join. Buuut I asked the host to gimmie info
There are people out there that doesnât like loneliness well personally I WANT to live alone
being alone is probably different then just living alone
Unrelated, what were you up today
i ate food and slept
A sleepy patata
Pat pat
I thought I should maybe start studying more, but I suppose habits are hard to break.
you should study enough that your grades are great and nothing more
Grading is more for the exam week that is 2 months starting from now
What does a yoshi hmph even sound like