'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY

Actually if people can give out BPV’s give some to me.

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I think I’ll get a bit more rest now. :sleepingleafeon:

I could literally break the game with them

More mech talk.

Make someone one-shot immune to the factional kill… at the risk of giving Mafia a second nightkill if they figure out who the vest was given to. That’s a really cool interaction and I understand why these were used as example roles.
The hosts must’ve been proud of their good work.


I mean, it’s not bad. At the beginning of the game you don’t have much to talk about, so talking about Mech is good. I often do it, and talking about a possible 3rd party is a good thing to get things moving forward.

Imagine giving BPV’s to a protective. :rofl:

Do It!

so you’re thinking Glass/Magnus w/w?

I do think Magnus’ post was a little weird here
wagons forming early is not a bad thing
1 vote is also not a wagon

Glass’s post on her comment was probably referring to her original post? idk

I mean they either didn’t read that properly orrrr.

yeah what lemon said. the post referring to my original one about why it thought mech should be discussed

Off-topic, but have you seen Hamilton Zorvo? Not trying to distract your train of thought, but this is a critical question to determine your alignment forever.

this is totally a distraction


I cc VT


Lemon are you thinking what I’m thinking?



I literally have less power, than a VT…

what are you thinking?

RIP, I can’t believe you have a post restriction.

I thought you loved role madness

I was hoping you were going to say what I was thinking.
(Wanna vote Magnus and pressure him?)


of course
VT is the most powerful role