'80s Wild Overhaul FM - TOWN VICTORY

I wasn’t specific enough before and it would come back to bite me in the rear end earlier

I mean later

…I used Bean as an example because they’re the current lowest poster. Imagine if you were randomly timed out of the thread before you could say anything, just because of a passive outside your control. You would lose your time… for no benefit. Whereas if someone else is responsible, Glass learns that and we know that.

I’m not entirely sure why you’re disagreeing with me. I’m saying it doesn’t make sense as a passive, especially not the way you’re describing it.

Hmmm. I agree that it would be a passive that would essentially eliminate your chance to play the game… in some situations. Not very fun. Okay, I agree. However, it will remain a complete mistery.

May as well UNVOTE , since I was just testing the vote count. That was a fun experiment, thanks for being a cooperative and willing test subject.


I felt so comfortable with your vote on me. Now I’m left empty.


How comfortable would you feel with multiple votes on you? Hypothetically.


If they are solid votes and it ends up with me and the people voting me engaging in a back and forth? Orgasmic.


since you scumlean both of us, wouldn’t this mean your scumlean on lemon is more reliable? seems like backwards logic to me

You clearly didn’t listen that most people had the exact opposite reasoning.

I doubt you are this ignorant about thread state, and this is already the second time I doubt you in this game.

what are you talking about

im talking about glass’s vote reasoning

mfs are talking about mechanics and whether glass leaving is his own ability or someone else’s

please read the thread yourself before attacking others about it

her ability

I’m talking about these:

In any case, it’s simply impossible to execute Glass today either way, so now there would be a reason to vote me over them if we were strictly executing between us. Well played.

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skimmed through (might go back and actually read some of the longer posts but might not)

I kind of like Cream
reads post is in line with what I expect from her
posts after that were light-hearted and flirty(?)
mood is probably NAI but the openness and whimsical commentary makes me think she’s not holding back thoughts this game, which is kind of towny

I do not understand why people - I think it was Lissi and Glass - would decide not to vote someone because they know them better
that is just bias for people you’re more familiar with and familiarity is NAI

I kind of get the idea that leaving someone you can read better with time
but there’s no reason to back off someone you scumread just because you’re more familiar with them

I’m severely concerned by the lack of discussion on this first day.
Five hundred posts between fourteen (now thirteen) players in just over twenty-four hours.

only game I saw people disappearing from thread like Glass did was in Osie’s game
and it was from a kidnapper

I’m thinking if someone was the cause of Glass’s disappearance and that person is town, they should claim
otherwise, we can assume it’s scum-motivated or a 3p

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game is just slow, I think
I personally have not been around

I might prefer this over hyperposting fluff and getting into meaningless fights

let me test something

VOTE: lol