I think I have another theory on this.
This is the 80’s Wild Overhaul, and while I didn’t play the original 80’s Wild Ride by TiggerBane, I did remember that it happened and everyone was upset that the Jester won day 1 but the game still continued when neither town nor mafia could win after that lol
There was a role here called the boater that essentially can’t talk or be voted after D1. Zone could’ve fixed the role somewhat so that it is more enjoyable to play by allowing Glass to maybe talk during all day phases but for a limited time?
Or like, I guess Zone had a role before where he could voluntarily exit the thread and form a chat with someone else, and then could come back the next day. Like, 1-shot, iirc. Though, that was a neutral role and I don’t think Glass would have pointed out neutrals if she was one, probably.
So anyways, I think it’s likeliest that it’s Glass’s active.
We’ll probably know more when Glass comes back, though.