FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

pls do go drink water now

carroty kinda sus
hazard i lean very slight t
neil kiiruma firinn all town

bystander seems real wolfy as of right now

ask me about it in like 5h and i’ll elaborate if i remember

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ty i’m obv v

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VOTE: windwardawaymafia

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okay sure hallia v
i got my last read cy’all eod if i remember

hippo villa
millium villa
dum villa
insomn villa
hallia villa

that’s the neat part,

you don’t

i scumread gar for feeling nervous and different from their towngames

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Your highness

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Man, hi Wind, it’s been a bit, how’s it hanging

On the plus side new friends!

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Insta hamma

im drinking smoothie

Are you sure I haven’t?


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i will kill u

who are you btw do i know u

if i dont know you begone no one can read me im invincable

no way xD

urge…to be pocketed…rising ><