FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

I take this back.

Nutella Sabi diff check yes

Oh my ability isn’t public? Oops

agenda vibe


valentine lol

Bold move

Let’s go

VOTE: Achro

what were you trying to do

Ew lol

Interesting takes from the top 2 posters.



ponder this deeply. the answer will be whispered to you upon the winds


I’m flipflopping on targets, to be honest
but this comment has made me more modest

To me it appears an emaluation at face value
Though their is a potential it will need revalue

My point, is that Dum lack’s intelligence
about the rules of the game, such ineligence

yet Dum’s town meta is to not read,
but I feel it’s an emulation here, rather then a creed

Ok yeah so I am publicly announced as king and I have a double vote that I incorrectly assumed was public

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lol what agenda? are u just echoing the paranoia against me to avoid having to come up with ur own reads?

nope im town and townread sabi git gud

Apo is a wolf ft I’m not kidding trust me on this one

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Wait, am I genuinely one of the top two?

That’s hilarious


wow you’re good at wolfing

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