FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

im going to live here
how are you guys doing?


@Kanave so your lilling me because i answered a question the way you wanted according to your post?

what is a miller? do you grind the grain to make bread for everyone??

okay well acktually leafia is pretty towny erm ngl


VOTE: Garfooled

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you have a fair point I think. Wolfs don’t claim negative roles that much from what I know

No one should claim anything about anything tbh. Its how we lost pokemash gen 3

Anyway i am tired i will let you kids hyper post

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Just making sure right?

VOTE: leafia

Guteead gn

Some might, it’s gunna be on and off for bit, one since it’s game start and 2, there are a lot of players currently.

It will eventually cool off, hopefully

Miller means my alignment is mafia when investigated.

However, I would currently investigate as town.

I propose that everyone vote for the person below them on the playerlist to troll the VC bot

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Cus i felt like it tbh

im vconfused by your confusion

sabi is flailing

im in

what’s there to clarify? yours is more fake-looking than mine

it just sounds like it’s been rewritten 4 times

they seem suspicious to the cop