FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

VOTE: carbonated

I was jk

Skill issue


adding you to woof reads

@yawn hi ily

are you like washed or what

Good idea. j/k

Although Kiiruma is giving me slightly wolfy vibes. Let’s see what this results in. VOTE: Kiiruma

Achro, give me your read on me now. It’ll help me read you. I’m excellent at telling when you’re a wolf. You and Hippo are the ones I feel most confident in reading correctly.

hi manny are you town

Good morning!!! :heart_eyes_cat: VOTE: Hippopablompoyeetus

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Alright professional prac time see you guys in like 6 hours

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Add me to the town pile

me too

im a billager, hope that helps u

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why don’t you? chicken?

Can someone provide a list of alts? Thanks

wdym we’re not going to perfect this entire 80 player game

I have yet to actually see a leafia post. Which means she is probably a wolf using litten’s advanced cloaking technology to hide from me.

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VOTE: carbonated

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Oh i regret turning on notifcations oh no oh no

can’t belive this is the first game we’re together in

that wasn’t me, what malice
I only fpsed a red on Alice

hallia am i towb