8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

man i couldnt work any job ever if I did this. not because of stress related nausea but because i can only work in rooms filled with carbon monoxide

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communicate with people about things you may think are abnormal that you do. if things are blurry to you constantly see an eye doctor. if things in your head don’t seem right or people tell you aren’t right you should speak to a neurologist


i need atlas life advice pinned on this website


don’t drink alcohol and take any medication, especially some form of sleeping pills

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Having good posture isn’t just a Manners thing it helps avoid back pain in the future. You should be supporting yourself with your core (like when you do a situp) when you’re sitting

Read this as “Don’t [drink alcohol] and don’t [take any medication] “

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me, chuckling smugly at how obvious these facts are while simultaneously not doing half of then


wear less layers of clothing when it’s hot, down to a shirt shorts and underwear, and more when it’s cold, even if it’s several shirts, pants, and jackets. just because you don’t feel the weather doesn’t mean it doesnt effect your body
don’t go out in the rain unless you absolutely have to, and dry yourself at the earliest opportunity


Flossing your teeth is awesome and if you do it regularly it stops feeling painful/like a uselss chore and it starts feeling like a piece of normal hygiene that’s enjoyable to have done like washing your face or whatever


i love flossing. waterpik unironically held me back for YEARS


You need to eat more in the winter when it’s cold and you need to drink more in the summer when it’s hot. If your muscles are twitching randomly in the summer it’s heat/dehydration


breathe from your stomach, not your chest

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if your hair is long comb it regularly so it doesn’t get knotted. cut your nails at least once a month, preferably more regularly
be careful whilst using sharp objects

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Stress headaches usually are caused and or worsened by clenching your teeth/tightness in neck muscles. If you stretch your neck that can help stop headaches

if you repeatedly


if you get hiccups try holding your breath and pressing inbetween your eyebrows. it works for me but might not for you

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i couldnt think of a good joke but it woulda started like that


The penalty of crossing the road recklessly is really fucking annoying and it is worth taking a few extra seconds of delay to ensure you don’t get hit by a car. Also true of almost everything

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IRL loading screen tips typa thread