8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

you’re going to have a lot of trouble finding out if you’re a corpse

This is true.

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Also, Kokoro Mitsume is the best fanganronpa mother.



I have redeemed myself! Got locked in an 1f1 with last wolf and won after first trust had a wolf and i had mostly correct reads as town im so happy


what hollow knight randomizer settings should I use

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I actually have no idea I slept last night or not

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what were you doing by the hour
write that down

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no the problem was I was lying down

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I couldn’t fall asleep and then suddenly it was time to wake up


chomps goated like a boss i heard this from a reputable source


chomps the goat


yeah, you would assume it’s a basic knowledge, but I was unlucky enough to have a cleaner college (whose job would be to know about this kind of thing) who wasn’t aware of it…

(and unlike in Litten’s case, her action wasn’t noticed in time. The worst part, that we were working underground, without any possible ventilation.)



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One thing I would add here.

Don’t handle your toenails, the same way as your nails in your hand. (depending on the form of your foot) they need a different handling routine. Unlike on your hand, where you should cut back in the corners (following the natural composition of your fingers), in most of the cases it’s better to cut the toenails in a way so the end of your toenails are remain linear. (which might be unnatural in the first few cases, if it wasn’t thought you previously.)

It’s fine to cut your toenails less frequently than your nails, but it is still adviced to do it once in every few weeks.

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cursed + everything
room rando
seperate major items (left mantis claw + right mantis claw)
no duplicates
start at one mask

i dont remember a ton of the settings esp in the newer versions but this should cover the bases
(+ steelsoul, ofc)

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Does this add Geo Rocks to the randomize pool?

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ok but thbthtbththtbthb I also didn’t know that

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Which one? the how to feed yourself?
You don’t need that as a computer program.