8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

the concept of wing-man-ness is somewhat common and not seen as socially awkward, but between friends. asking a stranger to do it is very awkward and i would react in a way to make him feel awkward like not responding or looking at him weird if he said it to me. like why would i try to do something like that for a stranger

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you changed pronouns midsentence which confused silviu

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I don’t even have an idea how I got confused

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I ate a burger and fries

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my wingman help would be “You want to date someone? Go ask the person right there and leave me out of it”


What haveyoueaten Litten

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I ate two uh I forgot the names it’s like those little things enclosed in a shell with meat not a taco or burrito and also half a hamburger



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I ate fries yesterday which is nice.

I’m talking about yesterday because I forgot what have I even eaten today



Could also be taquitos

I think so

It’s like a pipe right

yeah i know what it is but i forgot too



it’s taquitos i looked up a picture off may’s statement

I think my major problem with wingman stuff is I would feel responsbile if something bad happened to either of the people.

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If somebody would ask me to be a love proxy. I’d tell their aes to pump that love in the air stuff themselves

