are yall failing against skeletons
by all accounts we should have had literally zero trouble with them
but the dice said otherwise
Okay, what’s a bojangles?
also yes the judas x abracadabra remix goes insane
they hit me like 4 times. all of which were with multi-attack penalites because they hit me the first 2 times too.
They had an easier time with a CL 3 Giant Scorpion
they all literally died to skeletons that I had to make their party bard and warrior who were absent from the session magically appear to stop three PCs dying
I legit was supposed to survive
And then got wiped by a crit
ig action economy but omg
It wasnt action economy we managed it almost perfectly we just Missed
By we I mean geyde mostly
In true Summoner fashion I kind of just blew up after 1 turn
i tried to cast a mind effect on a skeleton because im dumb
Just had ChatGPT use FFMpeg to recursively convert .mp3 files to .flac because my car’s MMI doesn’t accept flac. #lovinglife
no but seriously it broke when I asked it to run 20 jobs at the same time but it works now so
Here’s the script btw
# Define the root directory to start the search
$rootDirectory = "D:\Music"
# Function to convert audio files to mp3
function Convert-AudioToMp3 {
param (
$outputFile = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($inputFile, ".mp3")
$outputDirectory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($inputFile)
# Check if the output file already exists
if (Test-Path -Path $outputFile) {
Write-Host "Skipping existing file: $outputFile"
try {
# Run ffmpeg to convert the file with the -y option to overwrite without prompt
$ffmpegCommand = "ffmpeg -y -i `"$inputFile`" `"$outputFile`" -loglevel quiet"
$process = Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -FilePath "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/c $ffmpegCommand" -PassThru -Wait
if ($process.ExitCode -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Successfully converted: $inputFile to $outputFile"
# Delete the original file after successful conversion
Remove-Item -Path $inputFile -Force
Write-Host "Successfully deleted original file: $inputFile"
} else {
Write-Host "Error converting: $inputFile. Exit code: $($process.ExitCode)"
} catch {
Write-Host "Exception converting: $inputFile. Error: $_"
# Function to recursively process files
function Process-Files {
param (
# Define the list of extensions to exclude
$excludeExtensions = @(".mp3", ".lrc", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".webp")
Get-ChildItem -Path $directory -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
$file = $_
# Check if the file is an audio file and not in the exclude list
if ($file.Extension -notin $excludeExtensions) {
Convert-AudioToMp3 -inputFile $file.FullName
} else {
Write-Host "Skipping file: $($file.FullName)"
# Start processing
Write-Host "Starting audio conversion process."
Process-Files -directory $rootDirectory
Write-Host "Audio conversion process completed."
I did not write a single line
That being said it did take me around 35 minutes to get this out of it
lesson learned
do not ask chatgpt to run 20 jobs simultaneously
it cannot do it very well
ffmpeg is unreasonably slow
god damn it
you didn’t need to use chat gpt for that, you can find that online already lol
source: done this before