8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

Witch methinks. Can’t find his acc on hardcore leaderboards now tho so must’ve dropped, but I think I have a ss on my pc

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My dad has premium tabs set to a specific currency. So like a 1 exalt tab so you can just throw items worth around 1 exalt in there to sell them quick

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yeah but i just have no idea how to price things and don’t wanna look it up lol. but yeah i should probably just figure it out at some point

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There’s a plugin you can get
I don’t know what it’s called though

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Wasn’t that Diablo 4 or am I mistaken?

A teacher is a paid babysitter if you think about it.

Hey it could be worse. Such as being knocked out on an unlucky dice roll :wowee: .

May hates Marluna.

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does anyone want to join me amelia & willow for the dbd board game? we need 2 more

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it looks SHOCKINGLY interesting

lord knows most of the time they’re just dumbass promotions but this actually looks shockingly interesting

happy birthday orange!


a bit early for my own timezone, but appreciated nonetheless :stuck_out_tongue:


Bruh that’s horrible

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fantastic class, but yes it was a LOT of work and yes the exam reflected that

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happy birthday orange may you be stuck being an admin on this site for an eternity




goodbye, until friday


Happy birthday orange

W h a t