8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

you guys ever accidentally send someone a link to a playlist of podcast clips and immediately delete it but the playlist name sounds incredibly degenerate but you cant just explain it because the podcast is usually kinda racist and thats probably worse



i have seen plenty of “may do (stupid thing involving a significant amount of suffering)” and then may does a stupid thing involving a significant amount of suffering


Whaaaat no never

(the 2nd to last is my volunteer work portal, the last is a friend’s substack-like thing)
i was googling the portugal flag to zoom in on the details not because i don’t know what it looks like


No google dox


My personal Discord server is extremely incriminating because I made it with my friend when we were 12 and so it has stuff like “stalking notes” and “blackmail”. “Stalking notes” contains details our friends Told us about their locations and “blackmail” contains embarrassing typos

There’s also remnants of a story we were writing together, that period of time where I used Discord to subscribe to people’s Twitters without having to be on Twitter, etc



my computer would not let me photo edit this. so i used remove.bg :sob:

i do not use dank memer anymore

i also use carl-bot and nqn for my private to-do stuffs :skull: these days i’m moving most of it to qbcord though


that is the entirety of my personal server

what’s the reasoning behind having a personal server by the way

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i get if it’s with friends but it’s explicitly personal so some people are doing it alone

it used to be to privately grind dank memer when i was smol

now that i’m older i plan my music leagues there because more centralized in one place

i also used to pin miscellaneous stuff i found online that i liked

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easy storage for anything that’s text or image, usually im on discord anyways so i just have to switch a server and not open an app


and private bot usage yes

ok i satisfied my willow-is-making-me-talk quota today cyall

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And here’s my FoL accounts


there are many demons crawling my shoulder they’re saying insane things in my ears evil things unacceptable things

sis’s first result is the pace nsc code of conduct


“make a heavy gimmick alt and play it on fol chomps”

not even anything else on the pace website