8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

Would it be a hell of a lot of effort to tune? Probably.
Would it still be worth doing? Probably.

I would say that spell slots are probably too legacy in D&D for it to be removed. But then the GOAT 4e shows that it doesn’t have to be that way.

I haven’t checked 4e so I’m wondering how that’s like

pf2e’s main way of hitting casters is to make their base numbers weaker (i.e even when hitting the weak saves of enemies, their chances of failing those saves is a bit too high to be fun to play)

tl;dr everybody has a ‘power’ system
at will


It seems to lag each time I turn the page. Would you know the page number?

page 54 describes the power system

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arete did talk about this yes

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haha yes!!

i don’t remember what i ate for lunch two days ago

I kind of forgot what I ate yesterday…

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you had soup, silviu.

I had extra la chicken with sweet soy sauce

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brains suck at remembering garbage information

sometimes random facts get filtered into important information

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but yeah I wouldn’t be able to recall that fact about arete without prompting

Then why can I remember that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

it’s important information, duh

  • Yes, Kendrick makes a stadium call Drake a pedophile
  • No, Kendrick does not play the biggest song of his career at the superbowl

0 voters

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As ridiculous as it sounds and from the way I phrased this poll I am only 50/50 on whether Kendrick plays the song that won 5 grammys.

if he plays it it’ll be all anyone remembers from the show. It was already the biggest song of the year, it won 5 grammys. Everyone knows it but lots of white folks only know the one song. He could use the time to play like, squabble up, gloria, something off of GNX. Or even go tbap or gkmc era
On the other hand it was so huge for a reason and a stadium full of people saying “a minorrrrrrrr” would obliterate the last vestiges of drake’s career. like he’s already done but never in his life is AUBREY GRAHAM, the man, living that down