8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

No, not yet.

Ita duzzy for first glance.

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I love those types of rules.
ā€œEverything is not correct,ā€ my beloved. :heart:

I think this is the play


I would prefer no Not Like Us if I was choosing


Large Moon


As far as I can tell, this is the correct solution

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Could have been faster but didnā€™t realize 2:8 isnā€™t a legit kropki pair.

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Yep! Thatā€™s correct!
I did it in 91:30. Youā€™re quick! :smile:

I doubt that.
Iā€™m stuck on renrenbanban since a few days.
(I simply canā€™t see the logic, how to continue once I put down 1 number)

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Gave up after 14:37.
I couldnā€™t even make any notes. I feel like this thing requires set theory or something.

I understand the 16-long double renban contains two 8-length renbans (i.e., either zero, one, or two 1s and/or 9s), and I understand that there are only six possible 4-length renbans, but I got nothing else to restrict enough; I donā€™t got the brains for this.

R8c2 is the most restricting cell, which narrows the possible renbans on th 16-line to two. (Which allows exactly 1 number to be put down in the grid, due to overlaps.)

But afterwards, Iā€™m simply stuck

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ā€¦? Can it not share the same number as C4R2 and C8R7?

How can it share the same number as C4r2?
C4r2 is the start of a renban. (Definetly, since itā€™s on the edge of the line)

C3r2 and c2r4 are the same numbers.
Meaning those belong to different renbans.

These canā€™t really go in opposite order. (If you pair c3r2 to c4r2, then c2r4 can only be 2378, which really canā€™t go on the opposite direction, and if you try to put a higher number than that with pairing c2r4 with c4r2, it still wonā€™t work, since it makes c3r2 into an edge number which really canā€™t be other than 1289 either.)

So in case c4r2 and c2r8 would be the same number, c2r8 (from the direction from c4r2) should be before both c3r2 and c2r4 on the line (which is clearly isnā€™t)

(Iā€™m really curious, because if Iā€™m wrong with my reasoning, I am behind than I thought)

For starters, renban lines can start in any order, so how does that of relevance?
Secondly, how does that restrict C2R8?

I donā€™tā€¦ understand. I probably donā€™t understand something about the double renban.

C2r8 canā€™t really be the same edge number as c4r2.

The whole post is the reasoning why c4r2 and c2r8 canā€™t be the same numberā€¦

I literally answered your two questions in the second half of my post.

I dreamt a dream that hit me like a truck. It got me questioning my life choices and im not happy at all about them

He dreamt a dream


Im the reincarnation of Martin Luther King. I have come here to stop this war (racism).

Guys. Why be racist towards big booty latinas? Dont you see how attractive they are? Think about it.

Nuff said.