8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

boba is solid. has a niche in the metagame

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where the hell have you been getting your boba

i’ll take you to a better place

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Does alcoholic boba exist?

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I am in a burning bridges mood today.


its low tier 2 high tier 3 at best

sure it matches favorably to black tea but it eats shit against espresso and lattes

if it does lmk id deadass try it


you see i live in the south so anything from asia tastes ass unless you get it from like the shadiest store in the shadiest part of town that has a cashier that doesnt speak your language

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sushi? its ass here
boba? its ass here

rice escapes it because we produce a fuckton of it locally

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i headcanoned you as living in chicago

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ik im like overgeneralizing but yall get the trhuts


I mean, I’m from the South, but I grew up in a fairly Indian suburb, so we had lots of good restaurants and Costco-sized Indian stores.
You just need to look in the right places.

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bestie you have heard my accent how did you think i was from chicago

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yeah and those places look like the place i got shot at

i have never had bad indian food

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indian food is alright at best and acceptable at worst

Those are fighting words.

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i have not you said you were going to sing a song then refused


pistols at dawn then fuckboy

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i forgot i did that

Should do karaoke sometime


I am very bad at karaoke.
Amazing how much my singing voice sucks given that I’ve done Chorus and carnatic music for years.

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