(I think I found the next move…)
Finished in 62 minutes…
hhhhhh I had a weird (probably disturbing) dream wherein
First i was driving and then i stopped at a red light and the car behind me just pushed me through the intersection then i was on top of that car somehow & they were i think trying to kill me? Then it somehow changed to i was watching a (not real) horror? movie that was uh… actually probably not a good idea to share on FoL but it involved some guy’s teeth being removed and then i thought i woke up and all of my teeth fell out and I was just like “aw man. that sucks.” and was fully prepared to continue with my day
Sorry for your loss.
My condolences :((
My father died before my grandfather. Don’t do frugs kids. Admittibly I don’t know how he died he was just found unresponsive but I can’t imagine the damage he did to his body over the years
I’m very sorry for your loss :
That’s sad.
my condolences
Honestly I’m not too heart broken as I am hung up on the fact that my dad died before my grand father
That must hurt
My family isn’t the best. I don’t live with my dad or my mother. I liked my dad a lot more than my mother because he isn’t insane. One of my step brothers is currently in federal prison (I think) for drug related stuff. My father and mother both went to prision a lot. Both did drugs. My dad wrecked his body leading to my grandfather having to pay for his rent etc etc
It can’t be a concidence that my entire family is hooked on drugs (besides my grand and aunt) so I’m never touching drugs. Must be a family proglem. Cuz I can’t imagine all people who do drugs end up like that
my condolences
my brain blanked out about 2/3rds of the way through and it took me forever to find the next step
Ash liking my cookieposts now
rip, [insert general catholic condolences here]