8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)




It certainly is a sketch

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@O.kazo, I don’t think I can solve this.
I see CTC’s video. It’s insane they can solve this.
I get stuck after finding three self-numbered cells.

I’m still workimg, so I can’t give you much rn.

But did you try applying those numbers as negative constraint in the other boxes?

Also if you find a box’s position, that immeadietly restrain 4 numbers in said box.

(For example, box 1 can’t have 2 and 3 in row 1, and also can’t have 4 and 7 in column 1)

I hope this can help for now.

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Well, the other four number is restrained as well, but those are way looser restrictions…


Did that. Still failed.
I am missing the next step.

I think it might have something to do with the unknown X-sum value, but they have too few restraints for me to do anything worthwhile.

I just wanted to show you this game, to see if you might be interested in playing it yourself.

While help is appreciated, you don’t have to do it right now. I remember you not liking Killer Sudoku, but the main gimmick of this setup is way too grand (and brutal) for me to not recommend it to you.

Current situation (Sudokoban)

I would focus on the top left box right now. (If I understand your coloring, it’s either box 1 or 7, meaning it has to be on the left side either way.)

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Sry, i really shouldn’t do this, while working…


E19. Confession. OH SHIT. IT’S THE PRIEST FROM E8 Burned Out! Righto, uh… Girl called for exorcism and died during said event. Uh. Uh… Burning sensation without a source; Lightless One. Stopped immediately after tree was uprooted. (Apple went rotting; spiders was spawning. E16 Arachnophobia.) Priest was possessed by an entity that is not the Lightless One.

E20 Desecrated Host. Continuation. Feeling of being lost. Chapel glass looks like eye. I am not following the context. What is this story about? Priest was mind controlled into a cannibal by being presented a false reality? (No wonder we couldn’t make any sense of the story.) Righto. Gong bell. Martin is absent. Man was hallucinating about eating. Where did the kidnapping and murder take part? (Wrong question. Who -or what- did it?) Yellow sole, Breekon and Hope deliveries, E2 Do Not Open. (Chat said something about… negative representations of the yellow sole. Forgot what exactly.)

Chat are we getting old

I’d like to think of myself as ripe instead


E21. Freefall. Mother lost son. Parachute. Enjoy Sky Blue. Long freefall (days IIRC?), but perceived by the external observers as fifteen minutes. Son ran towards hill in mania and got “eaten by the sky”. Martin returned with something.

Top 5 types of fields:

  1. Vector fields
    Stupid (I have a grudge against my calculus teacher for making me draw more than like 2 of these)
  2. Electric fields
    Like gravitational fields but more confusing
  3. Gravitational fields
    Sure why not
  4. Grassy fields
    Yay!! Great for frollicking.
  5. Morphogenetic fields
    Morphogenetic field sweep!!!

what happened to my beautiful numbers

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Thoughts on Depth of Field?

Cameras were my least favorite part of HS physics, too much going on. Probably goes between electric/gravitational because there is a practical use for Depth of Field

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E22 Colony. Martin’s statement. Investigation on E16 Arachnophobia. Worm! Stomped it. Popped. Shadows moving in basement. Dead man’s cat is alive. Reported for E16. Back to basement. Brought torch this time. Warm, despite cold February night. Movement. Woman figure, black hair, spots. Silver. Infestation! Worm! Squirming background. Ran away safely. Electronics fail. Knocking witch. Siege of thirteen days. Anomalies know how to communicate by text.

Breaking news: Soweli hates DoPs.