8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

its better this way
Discourse saw the improvement in the post and made it

what about fields (the algebraic structure)

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If your homework solution for one problem is over 4 pages I think we should be legally allowed to kill our professor


uhh i don’t have enough math experience to rank them well but my opinion of them isn’t that high so far, feels like they’re overcomplicating things. Second-to-last (above vector fields)

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Time to get the full list.

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Why middle right’s diagonals can’t be 5-4-1 and 2-4-9? (Making it into an 8 box)

Or even 1-4-5 and 2-4-9 (making it into a 1 box)

Nevermind, I see.
Box 1 can’t have a 2 in row 1, and box 8 can’t have a 9 in row 3…

E23 Schwarzwald. Deadly at night. Graveyard. Mausoleum. Johann von Württemberg. Vault. Eye, Beholder. Gold coin. Book, arabic. …Michael Keay. (Too many things. Unable to remember.)

Okay. This one, I really don’t understand.

Why did you eliminate the 8 in the top left box?

This one took a while to understood…

@May i am more autistic than you. Youre toootally second place. You have sooo many neurotypical traits. Neurotypical may may. Youre not like meeeee. Youre an NTttttt :stuck_out_tongue:

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  1. tutuu
  2. May
  3. That person who told me they were “almost as autistic as [me]” in a serious interpersonal issues discussion

@notblackorwhite im tooootally a better programmer than you. I know how to code sooo much better than you :smirk:. I bet youre a script kiddie. You dont know how to code like meeeeeee :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nye nye nye nyeeeee :P

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I listen to the same song 60 times on repeat while you stare intensely at my eyes when talkingggg :stuck_out_tongue:

I bet youre like thissss

Pov: ur talking to May Mayyyyy :blush:

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This isn’t annoying to me except insofar as you think it will annoy me


The annoying bit is that you think I’m the kind of person to be very annoyed about this


Oh nooo i wouldnt want to annoy you :sob::sob::sob:

I love you!!! :heart::heart::heart:

You misunderstand meeee

Because youre neurotypical and you misunderstand my intentionssss all the timeeeee fufufufufu~



Im sorry :sob::heart:

This istrue I am perfectly normal


no everyone does that silly head