8558th poster gets a cookie (cookie thread (Part 7)) (Part 9)

#1 is correct.

#2 is wrong; the random arrival rate means that, in theory, all your customers could come right at the start of the day, at which point there’s a line. Therefore, the answer’s B.

#3 is wrong; A being the bottleneck means that the capacity of the process equals the capacity of A because you can’t go faster than your slowest process. As such, if we halve the rate of our slowest process, the capacity gets halved alongside it, so the answer is B.

#4 is correct with 75 minutes. B is the answer: 75 minutes is between 45 minutes and 1.5 hours.

#5 is fairly simple; x_1 + x_2 = 1 + 2 is less than 4 anyways, so it’s unaffected by this change, giving A as the answer. If it instead went down from 5 to 2, then it would cut into our objective solution - 1 + 2 is less than 4 but not less than 2, so our optimal solution would be affected - and decrease our optimal objective value.

#6 is wrong; utilization is the percentage of capacity that we’re using, so it’s equal to arrivals/service rate. We’re keeping the number of arrivals the same, but we’re increasing our service rate, which gives us a lower utilization: we’re using a lower percentage of our service rate.


But she is right.

(Always and never is very tricky in these kind of questions, you only need one counter-example to prove you are correct.)

Question is talkimg about average arriving time, once there are a large enoigh cap once, if the next costumer can arrives early, and the average wouldn’t below the quote stated.

It is unlikely to happen, but it is FALSE that it can never happen.


i only bothered to read 1 and 2 since i didnt know what bottleneck meant but i got 100% on the exam out of the questions i answered

i am the gneius


yippie i got everything correct


Im sorry :sob::sob::sob:

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What are u attempting to accomplish


Thank youuu youre so smartieee :heart:

I thought the bottleneck means the most rare resource. Like the P2W gems in gayshin impact. They are rare to obtain F2P, so halving your storage for them wouldnt slow your progress

It’s false.

a dice thrown at random chances, but the probaloty of it rolling higher than 6 is zero.

So even though It’s random, an average dice rolling 7 will never happen…


you play league of legends and genshin impact?

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Im just reminding her how incompetent she issss :P

tootsie you play lol??
lets arena sometime



@discobot roll 1d20

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:game_die: 15

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A bottleneck’s fairly simple.

Say that I need to write something and that there are three steps to do so:

  • Sharpen pencils: 1 minute
  • Get paper: 3 minutes
  • Write story: 60 minutes

Even I have an infinite number of people at my disposal who will pass me pencil and paper as soon as I’m done writing a story, the slowest part of the process is always going to be the writing part, and it dictates how long the process is going to take once we get into a steady state (basically how the system would look were we to do this for an infinite amount of time).
Therefore, it’s the bottleneck of this process: it will always take 60 minutes to write a story because that’s the slowest element of the process.


I uninstalled ages ago sowwy :sob: i dunno why chompsie said it hes weird

I could install again just for you but id have 160 ping on NA :sweat_smile:


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there is no upper limit stated in the question. in theory, a group of 20 could enter the supermarket at once and it would be accurate



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i do it in 5 seconds you’re bad at this ash